Opening Hours
24 hours daily Note: The lounge is closed between the hours of 21:30 - 22:00 daily. Only a few snacks and drinks will be provided between 22:00 - 06:30 daily. THE LOUNGE IS TEMPORARILY CLOSED FOR RENOVATION WORKS UNTIL 30APR25.
24 hours daily Note: The lounge is closed between the hours of 21:30 - 22:00 daily. Only a few snacks and drinks will be provided between 22:00 - 06:30 daily. THE LOUNGE IS TEMPORARILY CLOSED FOR RENOVATION WORKS UNTIL 30APR25.
Airside - West Wing. After Passport Control, on the 4th Floor. The lounge is located opposite the Information Desk, near Gate 29.
Maximum 5 hour stay - Children under 3 years are admitted free.
Domestic fax facilities only.